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What if the sum of the macro nutrients does not match the calories?

Calories come from the sum of protein (4 kcal per gram), carbohydrates (4 kcal per gram) and fat (9 kcal per gram). If you want to see it in a formula, it would be like this:

Kcal = Proteins * 4 + Carbohydrates * 4 + Fats * 9.

However, it should be noted that these formulas are approximations and in some cases this math will not be accurate in some products because of the following:

Food producers perform laboratory analysis with different methods that may differ slightly.
Some food producers account for fiber (classified as a carbohydrate) with an energy value of zero or 1-2 kcal per gram.
The product contains sugar alcohols (classified as carbohydrates), which have an energy value of 1-3 kcal per gram.
The product contains alcohol, which has an energy value of 7 kcal per gram.

In any case, these differences should not be significant and are likely to be less than 50 kcal per day, which will not impact your results.

Updated on: 07/12/2023

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